7 Productive Qualities of Homemaker

7 Productive Qualities of Homemaker


7 Productive Qualities of Homemaker

As a homemaker, I have learned that there are many qualities required to run a home successfully. In other words, the qualities of  homemaker make them the founder of  a company named ‘HOUSE’. We cannot imagine a home without a homemaker. The homemaker has the responsibility of running the house effectively and smoothly.

In a traditional Hindu family, the homemaker is a woman who increments the family tree ( bears children) and protects those children. She is a Grihalakshmi ( the wealth of the house) and Grihashobha( the glory of the house).

The traditional status of a woman as a homemaker anchors them in society and provides meaning to their activities within the social, religious, political, and economic framework of their world.

The success and happiness of a family depend upon the qualities of the homemaker. I will encourage you hopefully in your homemaking journey. Following are 7 qualities I believe helped me in my loving years as a homemaker.

  1. Early day planning.
  2. Be Satisfied for What you Have.
  3. Enthusiastic.
  4. Delegate and Sympathetic.
  5. Self Management.
  6. Budgeting.
  7. Decisional.

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Cherrishlife - 7 Productive Qualities of Homemaker

1) Early day planning Qualities of Homemaker :-

Do next thing. Being keeper of our home the incredible quality of homemaker is to perform 2 task at once. When you have kept water for boiling, you can clean the side cabinets. If your cloths are in washing machine, you can clean the toilets or you can arrange the wardrobe. While your car is at gas station, you can clean the trash inside the car.

All these little things will really keep you one step ahead to perform next task. These little things add up good end of the day making you feel successful.

2) Satisfied for what you have quality of homemaker:

A homemaker should always be thankful for the family and home she has. Being satisfied in life is key to success. Sometimes many things do not happen as you wish. If you are satisfied with what you have, this creates a positive aura in your home that eventually results in happiness in all persons in the house. Life can be enjoyed in a small house, with simple food and simple belongings.

3) Enthusiastic Qualities of homemaker:-

A home full of enthusiasm, blossoms the family thoughts in society. Being a homemaker, an enthusiastic qualities in personality really adds up the happiness and energyful thoughts in other members mind. This ultimately showcase as the Enthusiastic Family.

If women in house is always shattered and full of sorrow thoughts, she will reflect same thoughts in family. Ultimately that same energy gets passed to other members and then to the society. I believe that if I’m full of energy in taking care of my home, they will give same energy outside in society.

Enthusiasm in our work of cleaning, making new dishes / recipes, decorating our home, playing with kids, loving our husband and in-laws will make you very special in their life. Our loved ones will never imagine their day without us. By giving encouragement, we develops enthusiasm.

4) Delegate and Sympathetic Qualities of homemaker:-

Women have incredible power / qualities of understanding the mind and feelings. This is a successful home making quality that helps homemaker to recognize the individual need of family members. I believe that there is romance in making our homes, charm in housework and an endless care.

You as a mom keep running behind them to wind up all mess. You are Mom and not maid. Start working around the play zone of kids. You should involve them in your work like making them help you in tiny work like arranging their study table or wardrobe. Making them fold their cloths.

If you want them to grow with good work ethics and cheerful attitude, it’s important to teach them at their younger ages in very playful ways.

I always work while playing with my kids and mostly my kids follow the tiny work patterns of mine. If they are enjoying the mess, they also clean it after their play time. The love that you pour in each corner of your home, it’s fragrance will nurture all feelings of all members of the family.

5) Self Management Qualities of homemaker:

Self-management is an important skill and quality of  homemakers, as it involves effectively organizing and managing one’s time, resources, and tasks to maintain a well-functioning household.

From getting up early, the calculation of work starts in homemaker mind. She is so managed that she do pre-preparation for the next day. That’s why her full day work gets perfectly organized.

She has to be perfectly self-managed. As a homemaker, we need to be flexible in time management. Recognize that not every day will go as planned, and adapt to changes. Be open to trying new methods or approaches to improve household management. Develop problem solving skills to address issues like repairs or conflicts etc.

6) Budgeting Qualities of homemaker:

 We as a homemaker also need to do budget to develop or upgrade our homes. Right from getting up in the morning to sleeping in night we know each and every need of our family members. Their work routing, their hobbies, kids upcoming moods, husband tummy flavor, In-laws health issues. We have to budget out as per our income and without any shortfall to our family members. Our husband gives his salary to run our homes but our main role is to properly use it.

We are the one who decides how much to spend on clothing, grocery, home décor items etc. We should plan the expenses of grocery, books for kids, medicines for in-laws any many more. Apart from these budgets, we always keep some penny as our saving. We do all this keeping the wish of family members in mind.

7) Decisional Qualities of Homemaker :-

We are one who listens each and every mind of our family members. We are the managers of our homes and plans the members time and energy in such a way that the work is properly done and their demands are also satisfied.

Homemaker have quality to take decisions whether the new equipment and furnishing item is needed or not. During my teen days, I always ask my mom before buying new things and she used to suggest me the right ones at right time and at right price. Now I’m doing this same thing and really relate it.

Being aware of our rights and responsibilities, we have to use our knowledge to choose the right quality product in the right price.

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